Nate Covington

Nate Covington

I build websites that build businesses. 

Every month, my work is seen and used by hundreds of thousands of people.  I am available for hire with building new web sites, and managing existing sites, help with updates, consulting, new features, training, etc…  

I work with directly with business owners to build streamlined, effective web sites.  I also work with advertising agencies and marketing consultants on their clients' sites. 

The large majority of my projects are built using Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla, although I also support Magento, OSCommerce, and almost any other open-source platform.  

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Covington Creations, LLC (CEO)
Builds and maintain web sites for small and medium businesses, mainly in the PA/NJ/MD area. Main focus is customizing open-source content management systems, frequently working with graphic designers, photographers, copy writers, and project managers to produce and implement cutting-edge web applications. Over 15 years of programming experience.

Mangos, Inc. (Internship in Account Management)
As an intern with Mangos, an award-winning full-service ad agency, I assisted account managers with competitive research, worked alongside creative directors, as well as various designers, writers, and managers. Worked within all three major departments – account management, creative, and production.


Graduated from the Marketing Program at Shippensburg University with a BSBA.  During his final semester, was hired by the College of Business to redesign the school’s web site.  Coursework included a concentration in sociology, psychology, and art.

Technical Skills
Programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc)
Open-source Software
Graphic Design
Google AdWords

Software Toolkit
Mac and PC
Adobe Creative Suite 
Microsoft Office (including Access)
Slack, Asana, other collaboration tools

Monday, 17 January 2022 15:18

Beware of Threatening Link Building Scam

I frequently receive emails from various SEO partners that ask me to add links on my articles to their client's site, a pretty normal "link building" technique.  This one caught me off guard because this is the type of thing that requires finesse, not threats.  

Nevertheless, this guy asked for a link back to his CBD client, a 5 star GMB review, a 5 star Trust Piliot review... 

Wednesday, 08 December 2021 20:22

How to declutter Wordpress admin dashboard

Tired of so many columns cluttering up your Wordpress dashboard?  Here's how to clean it up:

Users of the web hosting service GoDaddy had their accounts compromised for months before learning about the breach. The attackers were also able to compromise websites’ security certificates.

SCAM ALERT! Coming from domain:

Below is a copy of the (horribly written) message that I received -

This Notice for: will expire at 11:59PM EST, 5 - Nov. - 2021 Act now! Choose your package:

Attention: Important Notice , DOMAIN SERVICE NOTICE

Beware of these types of messages that are coming through website's contact forms:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 7188683382

Purpose: Newsletter

Message: Hi, I'm Donnie,

I recently saw that there's the "error 500" showing on many of your website pages. I'm positive that all these errors will not be appreciated by your current customers and you are literally losing profits as a result, and additionally they can significantly decrease the volume of visits from Google.

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by our company

I've been getting these spammy messages through my contact forms lately, figured I would share so that others don't get rattled by this type of nonsense. 


I made the following video to walk through and discuss the traditional "hamburger" menu as it compares to the Off-Canvas sidebar.

The short version is the off-canvas sidebar option gives a lot more power: it can be used for more than just the mobile menu. 

Watch the video to discover the ins and outs!  

Friday, 18 June 2021 14:58

Google Analytics: Not Worth It?

Lately I've been wondering if the Google Analytics script is going extinct. A recent political campaign gave me some statistics to examine, and I'm having a tough time reconciling Google Analytics data with my web server stats.  It seems the web server, and the CMS, are reporting a lot more traffic than Google recognizes, likely because Google Analytics' script is blocked by many ad block scripts, privacy oriented browsers, etc.

Google is announcing Core Web Vitals will become ranking signals in May 2021 in an update that will also combine existing UX-related signals.

The ‘page experience’ signal combines Core Web Vitals with the following signals:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Safe-browsing
  • HTTPS-security
  • Intrusive interstitial guidelines

Core Web Vitals were introduced earlier this and are designed to measure how users experience the speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a page.

My client forwarded me this scam-solicitation earlier today and I am posting it as a warning to everyone - watch out for this "Web Envy Solutions" based out of Stafford, TX.  

The interesting part about this particular scam is they didn't email it to my client: they FAXED it!  

Areas of Expertise

360-Degree Campaigns
Affiliate Marketing
Analytics & Data Reporting

Brand Development
Brand Identity & Standards
Brand Messaging
Brand Positioning
Brand Strategy
Content Development
Content Management
Corporate Communications
Creative Direction
Digital Marketing
Employee Engagement
Executive / Stakeholder Communications
Graphic Design
Key Messaging
Integrated Marketing
Internal Communications
Public Relations Management
Public Relations Strategy
Social Media Marketing
SEO & Optimization
Strategic Planning
Visual Communication
Web Design + Development
Web Maintenance & Updates

Workflow Process Engineering

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Design & Development

Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla
New custom websites
Bespoke themes and extensions
Redesigns, upgrades, migrations

Web Design & Development

Optimization & SEO

Let us optimize and manage your overall online presence. We offer full service monthly SEO as well as one-time projects.  

Optimization Plans & Pricing

Maintenance, Patching

White glove monthly backups, security updates, maintenance and testing for your Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla site.

Maintenance Plans & Pricing

Email Newsletter

Bring your web & marketing performance to the next level: monthly blog post roundup via email.  

Stay in Touch!